Zurich, Switzerland
Admission, reception and assistance of refugees from Ukraine in Zurich

The Government of Switzerland has activated the special protection status "S" for the refugees from Ukraine, which allows for rapid admission and pragmatic assistance on the basis of a collective recognition of the protection needs of Ukrainian citizens. The protection status "S" grants protection for one-year (renewable), social welfare and access to the Swiss labor market immediately after registration. The Canton (federal level) and City of Zurich (municipal level) work hand in hand with the State Secretariat for Migration (national level) in ensuring smooth and effective processing of registration, accommodation, information and assistance. While the national level is in charge of registration and administering the protection status, the Canton and City of Zurich in partnership with welfare organizations are maintaining a welcome and information center, identify and coordinate collective and private accommodation as well as volunteer work, provide social welfare, facilitate school enrolment, maintain hotlines for refugees and private sponsors, offer free public transportation for refugees, etc.
The coordinated response to the influx of refugees from Ukraine to Switzerland involving all relevant government levels, non-state stakeholders as well as private individuals aims to ensure effective admission, reception, protection, accommodation and (temporary) inclusion of Ukrainians in Switzerland.