ANVITA, France

ANVITA’s Annual “Guide for A Welcoming France”: Providing Advocacy Tools and Policy Guidance for Local Governments


ANVITA commits to publish an annual guide entitled "For a Welcoming France: Inspiring Territorial Practices" to highlight inspirational practices of local and regional governments that unconditionally welcome migrants and refugees. 

In addition to offering a clear and up to date overview of welcoming practices throughout France, the guide has three specific objectives: 

  • It provides an advocacy tool for local governments to showcase their critical role in achieving national and international goals (such as Agenda 2030). It is directed both towards the French Government and to the international community at large. 
  • It showcases the commitment of local governments to unconditionally welcome migrants and refugees in their localities and offers a pragmatic vision on what this can look like in practice. These practices also aim to de-bunk existing myths about migrants and refugees and helps balance dominant narratives about migration. 
  • It provides guidance and assistance when it comes to developing local public policies and provides support to elected officials on how to put vision into practice. For example, by showcasing examples of policy planning and peer-to-peer exchange.


To promote French cities initiative in France and abroad, to inspire other territories, to pledge to national government of the local actions. The number of downloads has been assessed and interviews with the members have been held.

Lessons learned

Cities are committed to unconditional welcome, they miss time to promote what they are doing by themselves. Thanks to ANVITA activities (working group, social medias, interviews, projets etc.), the network is aware and able to promote, and give a frame / a sense of all these actions together.

Priority Objectives
Eliminating all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse
Improving migration governance and forced displacement protection
Supporting reception and advancing community sponsorship initiatives
Local or regional government
Jeanne Barseghian adn Damien Carême, Co-Presidents
Start of Project
We are proactive and committed to addressing the challenges of the reception crisis for years, even decades. This year, this reality has been illustrated even more prominently. Territories must inspire new reception and inclusion policies for the public. It is more urgent than ever to respect the dignity of individuals, unconditionally!
Jeanne Barseghian
Mayor of Strasbourg, ANVITA Co-President