Carmen de la Legua, Peru

Carmen de La Legua: Municipal Plan of Local Action to Build a Future with Migrants and Refugees 2023 - 2026


The municipal government of Carmen de la Legua commits to the implementation of a Municipal Plan of Local Action to build a future with Migrants and Refugees 2023-2026, which will allow:

  • Contribute to the elimination of all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse.
  • Promote the mainstreaming of migration and forced displacement in municipal services, as well as in local, regional, and multilateral partnerships as a mechanism to increase cooperation between cities. 

Specifically, this plan prioritizes, among other things:

  • Promoting compliance with Ordinance No. 014-2017 MDCLR, which prohibits discrimination and racism.
  • Organizing the Forum of Mayors of the Callao Mancomunidad, hereby facilitating alignment between partners active in the National Refugee and Migrant Working Group (GTRM), as well as other coordination platforms.
  • Promoting the coordination and alignment of public activities led by implementing partners at the local level in order to better protect the most vulnerable population.
  • The implementation of the Municipal Office for Orientation of Migrants, Refugees, and Returnees.
  • Providing safe spaces for the economic development of migrants, refugees, and returnees, as well as formalized and tax-paying entrepreneurs and business owners.
  • Inclusion of migrant, refugee, or returnee volunteers in awareness-raising activities about forced displacement, climate change, and the environment.


Generating evidence, good practices and lessons learned on safe, orderly and regular migration in the district of Carmen de la Legua, to inspire other municipalities and mayors to follow their example, seeking the welfare and development of migrants, refugees and host population, eliminating violence, xenophobia and discrimination and protecting the vulnerable populations.

Priority Objectives
Improving migration governance and forced displacement protection
Protecting those most vulnerable
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Local or regional government
Carmen de la Legua
Mg. Edwards Javier Infante Lopez
Start of Project