Milan, Italy
“First Steps in Milan”: Ensuring Access to Educational and Childcare Services for Newly Arrived Migrant and Refugee Families

Through a project called “First Steps in Milan”, the city commits to enhance and accelerate the inclusion of newly arrived migrant and refugee children aged 0 to 6 and their families by providing early socio-educational interventions.
The project addresses challenges faced by migrant and refugee minors and their caregivers waiting to access municipal services or national refugee reception services, as delays in their integration in the school system can generate psychological, relational and identity discomfort.
To address this issue, Milan will establish a specialized team of educational, psycho-pedagogical and neuropsychiatric professionals to assess family needs and create personalized education plans. Using a two-generational approach, the program will introduce flexible preschool, and daycare services for children while providing their caregivers with job training, language courses, and cultural workshops. These services will also be accessible to other families residing in the city, to favor peer exchange and strengthen community ties.
In the long term, “First Steps in Milan” is expected to foster innovative educational strategies that benefit the entire education system, ultimately promoting the inclusion of foreign minors and their integration into society. This project is supported by the Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees.