Athens, Greece

Fostering Local Integration Through a Participatory and Multi-stakeholder Approach in Athens


The City of Athens commits to promote the integration of refugees, by applying an intersectional lens and through a participatory approach.  

By the end of 2024, the municipality will have set up a new Local Integration Strategy, which will be implemented by the Migrants’ Integration Center of the City of Athens and Eurocities. This strategy has been developed following a participatory and bottom-up approach involving refugee communities. They will also be involved in its implementation and evaluation. The city will also set up dedicated mechanisms of consultation with central and local government as well as civil society actors and UN agencies.  

Through this Strategy, recognized refugees and migrants with a regular status are eligible to find accommodation and support in the Homeless Center of the City of Athens and will be included in any social and affordable housing policy that will be developed. 

The municipality will also enhance its services promoting access to skills and qualifications based on job market needs, with an emphasis on women entrepreneurship and smooth transition of young adults to technical education and work. 

Priority Objectives
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Local or regional government
Kostas Bakoyannis
Start of Project
End of project