Galați, Romania

Galati Supports Ukrainian Refugees, Fostering Their Self-Reliance and Well-Being


Galati Municipality commits to enhance the livelihoods of refugees and forcibly displaced persons. 

In light of the Russia–Ukraine conflict in 2022, and subsequent arrivals of Ukrainian refugees, Galati recognized the demand for short and medium-term accommodation support. The mobilisation of various stakeholders was critical in the success of this humanitarian effort, and the local community was actively involved through private and volunteering initiatives, providing essential supplies, and creating a ‘cozy’ space for those compelled to flee their homes. The municipality actively acknowledges all community efforts to integrate refugees into the community, facilitate access to education, and promote social cohesion as crucial for the long-term well-being.

Based on this experience, and in addition to continuing to provide accommodation, Galati also ensures access of refugee children to state kindergartens and nurseries. To foster their resilience, we actively seek to alleviate the burden of finding housing and childcare, enabling refugees to concentrate on securing employment and achieving social integration within the community. A critical component here is the establishment of transparent communication channels to keep refugees informed about available housing options, support services, and employment opportunities as well as facilitating community integration by the organization of social events promoting social cohesion. 


Priority Objectives
Eliminating all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Supporting reception and advancing community sponsorship initiatives
Local or regional government
Ionuț Pucheanu
Start of Project
End of project