Kampala, Uganda
Kampala for All: Safety Nets for Recovery

This action has been submitted through the Mayors Mechanism Call to Local Action for Migrants and Refugees. The Local or regional government submitting this action has signed the Marrakech Mayors Declaration where they commit to endorse the set of cross-cutting and interdependent guiding principles identified in the GCM, and endorse the guiding principles and objectives of the GCR and its programme of action.
The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is a recipient of the Global Cities Fund, the Mayors Migration Council’s response to the unmet needs of cities as they support migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people. With this support, KCCA will execute the "Kampala for All: Safety Nets for Recovery" project to offer immediate relief and an opportunity for sustainable economic recovery for over 200 vulnerable individuals and families at a time when livelihoods, support systems, and resources have been severely impacted by Covid-19 measures. The project will reach refugees, migrants, and the urban poor. The project will provide direct financial assistance and entrepreneurship support within low-income, informal neighborhoods in Kampala based on previous studies and area-based assessments. This project will fall within the remit of the Kampala for All humanitarian assistance coordination forum and will include knowledge-sharing engagements with other Ugandan cities to build a long-term resilience strategy through knowledge and burden-sharing.
KCCA's "Kampala for All" project anticipates four key impacts:
- Refugees, migrants, and the urban poor have the immediate income support needed to survive restrictions on the local economy due to Covid-19.
- Refugees, migrants, and the urban poor have strengthened financial safety nets and sustained income generation opportunities.
- KCCA institutionalizes its services for Kampala’s refugee and migrant communities.
- KCCA strengthens its solidarity with other Ugandan city governments in promoting local leadership on inclusive response and recovery efforts.
The impact of "Kampala for All" will be evaluated through a grant report at the end of the Global Cities Fund grant term. This report will measure anticipated against outcomes and indicators developed at the start of the grant period against actual outcomes and indicators.
Kampala’s project has key innovations:
- The project signifies KCCA’s first city-led response dedicated to the needs of migrants and refugees residing within Kampala.
- The project will include knowledge-sharing engagements with the other Ugandan cities to build a long-term resilience strategy through knowledge and burden-sharing.