Kampala, Uganda
Kampala and Nairobi Joint City Pledge to Institutionalize Refugee Inclusion

Kampala Capital City commits to partner with Nairobi City County to institutionalize refugee inclusion and access to city services through a series of policies and programs over the next five years.
First, by 2024, Nairobi and Kampala commit to conducting baseline surveys of their refugee populations and implementing programs to support refugees’ socioeconomic inclusion, including upskilling. By 2027, the cities will each establish at least one innovation center to foster entrepreneurship and creativity among refugees and receiving communities. By 2025, Nairobi and Kampala will establish coordination mechanisms for integrated service provision to urban refugees alongside NGOs and INGOs. Then, by 2027, the two cities aim to actively involve refugees in city planning, provide psychosocial support for refugee households, and establish mechanisms for refugee participation in local decision-making. Finally, by 2027, each city will establish dedicated sectors or departments for refugee engagement to ensure refugee inclusion is integrated into city policymaking.
Nairobi and Kampala will implement this pledge with support from the International Rescue Committee through its Re:BUiLD program, the Mayors Migration Council, and local civil society organizations including the Platform for Vendors in Uganda (PLAVU) and the Pamoja Trust in Kenya.
The expected impact of NCCG and KCCA’s action is the permanent institutionalization of refugee inclusion within local government plans, policies, and programs. This institutionalization will allow refugees to access social services, healthcare, education, and registration services while also creating a mandate for the cities to design and deliver their own refugee-focused programs through county government mechanisms.
This commitment follows the international community’s efforts to recognize urban refugees and empowers local governments to engage and provide for them as constituents.