Larissa, Greece

Vocational Training to Unaccompanied Children and School Support to Refugee Children in Larissa


The Municipality of Larissa pledges to provide vocational training on digital skills and after-school support for unaccompanied children to improve their academic performance and increase their employability.

The Municipality of Larissa has established a Migrant and Refugee Integration Council (MRIC), an advisory body to the Municipality regarding enhancement of refugees’ and migrants’ integration in the local community. Following the recommendation of MPRIC, the municipality will invest in the vocational training of unaccompanied children who reside in two shelters for UACs in the City (around 100).  

The Municipality of Larissa recognizes the challenges faced by unaccompanied children in accessing educational and vocational opportunities. To address these challenges, we pledge to provide vocational training on digital skills and after-school support for unaccompanied children to improve their academic performance and increase their employability. The classes will be offered in the Lifelong Learning Center of the Municipality. The connection between the municipality of Larissa and the UACs shelters is an important one. The municipality has shown a commitment to supporting vulnerable young people who have experienced trauma and hardship by providing access to municipal services.

Priority Objectives
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Local or regional government
Apostolos Kalogiannis
Start of Project
End of project