C40 network,

C40 Cities and the Mayors Migration Council: Fostering Global Recognition and Support for Local Action on the urban dimension of climate migration



Building on the leadership of the C40-MMC Global Mayors Task Force on Climate & Migration, C40 Cities (C40) and the Mayors Migration Council (MMC) pledge to accelerate global recognition and support for local action on the urban dimension of climate migration - a key under recognised dimension of Loss & Damage - through 2025. 

As cities are increasingly at the forefront of climate-induced Loss and Damage, especially climate migration and displacement, mayors are showing bold leadership in delivering inclusive responses, in line with the objectives of both the Global Compact for Refugees (GCR) and the Paris Agreement. 

Building from the C40 report “Urban Loss & Damage: Challenges and Opportunities for City Leadership”, which sets out a collective vision of how global actors can successfully support existing city leadership, including on climate migration, we will:

  • Continue to support a shared understanding of the urban dimension of climate migration and displacement.
  • Scale up mayoral advocacy - shifting policy and finance outcomes in both the climate and migration diplomatic space.
  • Advance our efforts to drive the development and delivery of dedicated programming and funding that is locally-led, demand-driven and fit for urban needs including the C40 Inclusive Climate Action Fund and Forum, Global Green New Deal pilots and the MMC Global Cities Fund. 
Priority Objectives
Engaging in regional and multilateral partnerships and increasing city-to-city cooperation
Minimising the drivers of forced migration and displacement, including climate change and environmental drivers
Minimising the drivers of forced displacement, including climate change and environmental drivers
Protecting those most vulnerable
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Local or regional government
C40 network
Start of Project
End of project