Guayaquil, Ecuador

Guayaquil’s Centro Municipal Ciudadanos Integrados: Holistic Support for People and Children on the Move


The City of Guayaquil commits to open a welcoming center for migrants and refugees in the city's busiest transit hub. The center will provide migrants, refugees, and Ecuadorian returnees coming into the city with legal assistance, access to education and job opportunities, psychosocial support, and a safe space for children's play and development. 

The center will seek to improve the integration and well-being of this vulnerable population, addressing their specific needs and promoting their social inclusion. It is expected to reduce inequalities, promote gender equality, guaranteeing the protection and empowerment of children and adolescents in situations of human mobility. It is also expected to strengthen alliances and articulation with cooperation agencies at national and international levels, as well as with other organizations and relevant actors in the territory. 

This initiative will contribute to building a more inclusive, equitable and prosperous city in Guayaquil, where all people have equal opportunities and can enjoy a dignified life. This project is supported by the Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees.


Number of people in human mobility attended and referred to the different public services and civil society and cooperation organizations present in the territory - Goal Target 2.3: 960 for 3 months

Lessons learned

At the end of the financing period of this project, it is expected to achieve significant results in the implementation and operation of the Integrated Municipal Center in Guayaquil. It is expected that the center will be fully operational, providing specialized services to migrants, refugees, returnees and the host population, with emphasis on children and adolescents. In addition, it seeks to improve the integration and well-being of this vulnerable population, addressing their specific needs and promoting their social inclusion. It is expected to reduce inequalities and promote gender equality, guaranteeing the protection and empowerment of children and adolescents in situations of human mobility. Likewise, it is expected to strengthen alliances and articulation with cooperation agencies at national and international level, as well as with other organizations and relevant actors in the territory , to ensu re a comprehensive and sustainable response to the needs of people in human mobility. Achieving these goals will contribute to building a more inclusive, equitable and prosperous city in Guayaquil, where all people have equal opportunities and can enjoy a dignified and full life.

Priority Objectives
Eliminating all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse
Engaging in regional and multilateral partnerships and increasing city-to-city cooperation
Protecting those most vulnerable
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
Local or regional government
Aquiles Alvarez
Start of Project
End of project