ANVITA, France

Production of a guide to ANVITA 2021 inspirational practices


This first edition of the guide aims to trace the inspiring practices of ANVITA's membership in the field of unconditional hospitality. Because of its general approach, this guide is intended to be of use both to those who are at the beginning of their reflection on hospitality and to others who are already involved in the process and are looking to deepen it. Although it aims to be comprehensive, this guide is not exhustive and addresses practices and systems that could be improved. This guide is intended for a number of audiences: for member local authorities to get to know each other better; for other local authorities looking for inspiration; for local players wanting to make proposals to their local authority or any other person interested in welcoming territories. The deliverable is articulated in three parts, built from the common base for a welcoming territory worked on by the Alliance Migrations: 1. a different vision of migration to be promoted 2. unconditional access to rights to be favoured 3. inclusive local citizenship to be animated.


ANVITA’s membership share their actions (community feedback). The guide inspires territories (feedback). The guide is used to support national advocacy


Priority Objectives
Engaging in regional and multilateral partnerships and increasing city-to-city cooperation
Improving migration governance and forced displacement protection
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Local or regional government
Start of Project
End of project