ANVITA, France

Simultaneous ceremonies in France of Republican Sponsorship of exiled persons


On 18 December 2021, ANVITA coordinated the organisation of numerous Republican Sponsorship ceremonies throughout France, organised by some twenty local authorities, in collaboration with local associations, thus enabling the sponsorship of more than 300 exiled persons. Republican sponsorship has a symbolic and non-legal value, in other words, it has no direct influence on obtaining a residence permit. However, the sponsorship contributes to creating a movement of opinion to restore the right of undocumented migrants, exiles and refugees to citizenship and is part of our common will to put in place another immigration and reception policy. Among the participating cities; Arcueil, Barberaz, Clermont-Ferrand, Chambéry, Cognin, Die, Grenoble, La Flèche, Louvigny, Lyon, Malakoff, Paris, Rouen, Saint-Baldoph, Strasbourg, Tours and Villeurbanne. Several cities included their sponsorship ceremony in a wider programme around International Migrants Day (film screenings, broadcasting of testimonies, festive times open to the public, etc.). Other cities in the network that were not able to organise an event made a significant contribution to supporting the initiative, notably the city of Montpellier. The city of Bègles organised a convivial event with all the people sponsored since 2014 accompanied by their sponsors. Finally, cities that are not members of the network have also followed the approach by organising Republican sponsorship ceremonies. This is the case of the towns of St Père-sous-Vézelay, Island and Asquins located in the Yonne department. For ANVITA, this event was an opportunity to advocate for the right to citizenship, to make the situation of migrants in France visible, and to call on the State and public authorities to address the continuing deterioration of the conditions of reception of exiles in France. 


Exiled people are sponsored (feedback from organisers). The event has a national ambition (number of organising cities). Advocacy for local citizenship of people is promoted (CP, press coverage).

Lessons learnt

This important time must be co-constructed with the exiled persons and their associations, a first link must already exist between the persons who sponsor and the sponsored persons.

The sponsor/grantee relationship must go beyond the ceremony to create a real link and for the person to feel supported beyond the D-day.

The event must be as official as possible (Republican scarves of the elected officials, symbolic place, etc.) to give strength to the moment.

The ceremony must be well understood by the exiled persons (symbolic scope) so that no false hopes are created.

Priority Objectives
Eliminating all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse
Engaging in regional and multilateral partnerships and increasing city-to-city cooperation
Protecting those most vulnerable
Supporting reception and advancing community sponsorship initiatives
Local or regional government
Start of Project
End of project