Arua, Uganda

Strengthening the Capacity of Arua City to Sustainably Manage Waste and Promote Institutional Greening


The city of Arua will employ refugees and migrants to establish a municipal recycling program while greening its local institutions and economy by introducing environmentally sustainable practices and curricula at its schools, health centers, and other public institutions. The project aims to strengthen Arua’s capacity to sustainably manage waste, increase carbon capture through greening public institutions, and provide job skills and employment opportunities for Arua’s refugee communities. This will be done through establishing recycling facilities in the city and planting trees and other greenery outside schools, hospitals and faith-based organizations. With a focus on sorting, collecting and recycling plastics, the recycling program will be the first municipal-run recycling facility in the country. To support this transition to a greener economy, refugees will be trained and empowered to work in both the recycling and landscaping sectors. This project is in line with Arua’s proposed project for the MMC's Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees


  1. 1,000 migrants, refugees and internally displaced people will have income and assets obtained through job training and formal employment in the waste and landscaping sectors.
  2. The majority of Arua’s public institutions will be planted with trees and other vegetation that provide shade and help mitigate CO2 emissions, preventing out-migration from Arua.
Priority Objectives
Improving migration governance and forced displacement protection
Protecting those most vulnerable
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Local or regional government
Wadri Sam Nyakua
Start of Project