The Marrakech Mayors Declaration

On 8 December 2018, on the sidelines of the intergovernmental conference to adopt the  UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), mayors and local government leaders from across the globe gathered in Marrakech to participate in the 5th Mayoral Forum on Human Mobility, Migration and Development, which focused on “City Leadership in Implementing the UN Global Compacts”. 

During the Mayoral Forum, local governments adopted the Marrakech Mayors Declaration, entitled: “Cities Working Together for Migrants and Refugees”. A document looking at the commitments local and regional governments made regarding the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).

To date, 104 Local and Regional Governments have signed on to the Declaration, and the list is growing

Through the declaration, local and regional governments: 

  • Call for the full and formal recognition of their role in the implementation, follow-up and review of both the Global Compact for Migration and on Refugees. 
  • Recall that they are at the forefront of managing the impact of migration as well as of the promotion of inclusive, safe and sustainable societies, as migration remains primarily a local phenomenon.
  • Commit to advance the principles and objectives of both Compacts in unison through concrete actions and partnerships. 

Sign here

The Marrakech Mayors Declaration is available in FrenchSpanish and English.

Our 8 priorities

The Mayors Mechanism Steering Committee members have identified a set of 8 priorities stemming out of the Marrakech Mayors Declaration that connect the objectives of the Global Compact for Migration, the Global Compact on Refugees and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.

Improving migration governance and forced displacement protection
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area
Responsibility Sharing

SDG Commitments
Minimising the drivers of forced migration and displacement, including climate change and environmental drivers
Minimising the drivers of forced displacement, including climate change and environmental drivers
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area

SDG Commitments
Protecting those most vulnerable
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area
Protection Capacity

SDG Commitments
Providing access to urban infrastructure, social services, and education regardless of status
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area
Energy & Infrastructure

SDG Commitments
Realising socio-economic inclusion
Realising socio-economic inclusion
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area
Jobs & livelihoods

SDG Commitments
Eliminating all forms of discrimination and promote evidence-based public discourse
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area
Protection Capacity

SDG Commitments
Supporting reception and advancing community sponsorship initiatives
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area

SDG Commitments
Engaging in regional and multilateral partnerships and increasing city-to-city cooperation
GCM Objectives
GCR Focus Area

Focus Area
Responsibility Sharing

SDG Commitments